We are so excited to join your school in 2025.  We have SOOOO many exciting ideas for things to do.

Let’s start right away with something I know you’ll love. 


I was able to animate really easily.  Make sure your drawing has arms and legs that aren’t overlapping anywhere.  There’s a video guide on how to do this or follow below.
  1.  Do a drawing with the arms head and legs all separate from each other.
  2. Go to https://sketch.metademolab.com and follow their simple instructions.
  3. Share your animation with friends!


A lot is being said at the moment about Ai. It seems to be creeping into everything we do. So, can Ai help you in your teaching? Here are three ways it can make everyday tasks a lot more manageable and save you time.

  1. Lesson Planning: There are AI tools out there that can recommend lesson plans, activities, and resources based on what you’re teaching. And because Ai is interactive, to can make all the changes you want until it’s right.
  2. Personalised Learning Plans: AI can analyse how each pupil is doing and suggest personalised learning plans.
  3. Boosting Language and Literacy: AI can assess a pupil’s reading and language skills and create a customised learning path that focuses on areas needing improvement.

Have a look at this short video about how they are testing Ai for schools in America. It’s exciting